Thursday, December 26, 2019

Essay on Child Abuse A Hidden Epidemic - 1218 Words

How do we define â€Å"abuse† when we discuss child abuse? â€Å"Abuse† is defined as Treating a person or animal with cruelty or violence, especially when it occurs regularly and repeatedly.† When you add â€Å"child† it becomes â€Å"child abuse.† â€Å"Child Abuse† is defined as â€Å"physical maltreatment or sexual molestation of a child.†(Oxford Dictionary online) â€Å"Child abuse† may also be defined as â€Å"a crime of inflicted physical or emotional injury on a child. And the term can denote the use of inordinate physical violence or verbal abuse: the failure to furnish proper shelter, nourishment, medical treatment, or emotional†¦show more content†¦Emotional is known as a behavior of child abuse that affects the psychology, life or social skills of a child. And sexual abuse is any sexual activity from an adult with a Muncie 3 child, such as molestation, rape, and child pornography. There are 3 different causes to child abuse: parental causes, ecological causes, and child problems. Child abuse has also strongly influenced all sides of a child’s life such as, physical effects, behavior effects, and emotional effects. (childhelp 2009) When the abuse is coming from the parent it is due to when either the father or the mother falls into an addiction situation such as alcohol and or drugs, which then leaves the child unable to receive the care that is needed as the child grows up. â€Å"Based on the report from the Department of Health and Human services, in 2006, approximately 82.4% abused child cases were made by at least one of the child’s parents. (Childhelp 2009) Ecological causes, families living under poverty conditions have always fought with financial issues. Th e effects that poverty causesShow MoreRelatedSibling Rivalry1459 Words   |  6 PagesSibling Abuse: The Truth Sibling child abuse is a hidden epidemic in the United States. Parents and caregivers often conclude this form of violence to be simple sibling rivalry, and a part of growing up. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Effects Of Advertising On Society Essay - 573 Words

The Effects of Advertising on Society nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Fr. Kavanaugh was on the mark when describing the effects of advertising on society. Our moral values are being degraded by the bombardment of impropriety by the media. Adler would be quick in pointing out the reason why these messages have such a negative effect on people. There are two main tactics advertisers use to sell their product: either imply that their product will bring about the achievement of a particular (usually real) good, or make their product the object of desire, therefore making it an apparent good to people. The problem with associating products with the achievement of a good lies more in the realm of truth than in good, because it lies in whether†¦show more content†¦Though these products are by no means needs, the associations make people believe that the advertised product embodies the good they need, and to achieve that good they must buy the product. Companies dont advertise perfumes, for example; they advertise relationship s. They dont advertise clothing; they advertise independence. Slowly, as people hear these messages more and more, they start associating more importance to the product than to the good involved, like a sort of idol-worship -- and here is where the real problems set in. Now that advertisers have people sold on the product, they can influence peoples desires. This is what Fr. Kavanaugh saw when he said that advertising is damaging societys moral values. Calvin Klein, for example, has already become one of those companies whose product has become more important than the good they represent -- in other words, Calvin Klein products are now in and of themselves the good some people try to achieve. Thus, when their ads show immoral situations or actions (like the infamous child pornography ads that spurred many debates and a lawsuit against the company), people associate these immoral actions with the quot;goodquot; Calvin Klein products, and people will slowly grow desensitized to them. Advertising, therefore, plays a notable role in the moral growth -- or stunting --Show MoreRelatedEffect Of Advertising On Society Essay1728 Words   |  7 PagesTalking about advertising, on the one hand, it is good for its functions, displays, etc.; on the other hand, sometimes it is too good to be true, the way they bring the messages to the consumers whic h state â€Å"the number one †¦Ã¢â‚¬ . What truly are the miscommunications and how do the viewers react to different types of stimulation among those, are there negative or positive results? 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Society would like to believe that advertising has improved from the days of showing women’s place in the kitchen and only having light skinned models but now advertising companies have just become sneakier and wittier about the way they portray people and the worst part is that society encourages it. Society, as a wholeRead MoreThe Effect Of Advertising On Society1911 Words   |  8 Pagespromotions as they see it as an essential tool in an increasingly capitalistic free market to fuel economic growth. Unfortunately, the surge of unchecked advertising has lead to some adverse effects on societies whether they be moral or ethical in nature. The SAFRA gym advertisement, is an impeccable example of the adverse effects of advertising in today’s society. The advertisement depicts a lean woman who is wear ing purple tank top and tight black leggings working out uncomfortably, as two men watched herRead MoreAdvertising And Its Effect On Society1442 Words   |  6 Pagesproduct. Although sometimes advertising can be quite annoying, it can also help in persuading you to buy a product or service. You may be looking for a specific product for a specific purpose or maybe you have heard of a product simply through its exemplary advertising. There are different viewpoints to advertising and many different ways that it appeals and relates to us as individuals and as a society. Today, in order for the advertisements to stay true to their advertising, there has been a set ofRead MoreThe Effects Of Advertising On The Society936 Words   |  4 Pagesmarket; conversely competition can go too far or form into something entirely different. In addition, some companies will do anything to boost sales even if that means sacrificing common etiquette or logic to the masses and against their rivals. Adv ertising is always evolving and adapting, and for now companies and their advertisers through their advertisements are appearing more cynical and critical by the day. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Soap History Essay Example For Students

Soap History Essay Most people washed themselves with only one essential thing at the time, water. This, of course, happened until the development of soap in 2800 B.C. The soapwas found in clay cylinders during the excavation of ancient Babylon. There wereinscriptions discovered on the cylinders, which showed us that fats were boiledwith ashes, which was the method of making the soap at this time. Records haveshown that Egyptians bathed regularly. There was a medical document found calledThe Ebers Papyrus which described the combining of animal and vegetableoils with alkaline salts to form soap-like material. These were used fortreating skin diseases and washing. At around this time, Moses gave theIsraelites specific laws about personal cleanliness. He related cleanliness tohealth and religious cleansing. The early Greeks bathed for artistic reasons. Instead of washing with soap, they bathed themselves with blocks of clay, sand,pumice, and ashes. Then they anointed themselves with oil and scraped off theoil and dirt with a strigil. They washed their clothes in the streams withoutusing soap. According to an ancient Roman legend, soap got its name from MountSapo where animals were sacrificed. When it had rain, the water washed away theanimal fat and wood ashes down into the clay soil along the Tiber River. Womenhad found this clay mixture and it made their wash much cleaner. Soap making wasa popular craft in Europe by the 17th century. Vegetable and animal oils wereused with ashes of plants and fragrance. More varities of soap gradually becameavailable for shaving and washing hair, as well as bathing and washing clothes. Italy, Spain, and France were the early centers of soap manufacturing. TheEnglish began making soap during the 12th century. The chemistry of the soapmanufacturing stayed the same until 1916 when the first synthetic detergent wasdeveloped in Germany. Synthetic detergents are non-soap washing and cleaningproducts that are synthesized. Household detergent products became knownin the United States around the 1930s. It is very important to understand thebasic knowledge of soap and detergent chemistry. Water has a property calledsurface tension. In water, other water molecules surround each molecule, but atthe surface, other water molecules only on the waterside surround thosemolecules. A tension is created as the surface molecules are pulled into thebody of water. This tension causes the water to bead up on the surface,which slows down the cleaning process. During the cleaning process, surfacetension must be reduced so the water can spread and wet surfaces. Chemicals thatdo this are call ed surface-active agents. The surface-active agents perform manyimportant jobs in cleaning. They are classified by their ionic properties inwater. These properties are anionic which means a negative charge, nonionicwhich means no charge, cationic which means having a positive charge, andamphoteric which means having either a positive or negative charge. Soaps arewater-soluble sodium or potassium salts of fatty acids. The fats and oils usedin soap making are made up of a unique mixture of several differenttriglycerides. In a triglyceride molecule, 3 fatty acid molecules are attachedto one molecule of glycerine. Fatty acids are the mechanism of fats and oilsthat are used in soap. They are weak acids of two parts, which are a carboxylicacid group and a hydrocarbon chain attached to the carboxylic acid group.

Monday, December 2, 2019

TJ Nethery Essays (667 words) - Herbs, Medicinal Plants, Lavandula

TJ Nethery Herb Paper 3/22/17 Herb: Lavender The origin of Lavender is thought to be from the areas of the Mediterranean, the Middle East, and India. The history of Lavender is thought to go back close to 2500 years. The Lavender shru b is named from the Latin word "lavare" meaning to wash, due to the fact that the ancient Romans and Carthaginians used lavender in their baths as well for its natural therapeutic properties. The Greeks called Lavender "Nardus" after the Syrian city of Naarda and was commonly called "Nard". Lavender is also known and called one of the Holy Herbs and "SpikeNard" is mentioned in the bible as Mary used it on infant baby Jesus and after the crucifixion when she was preparing him for his burial. During the Renaissance lavender was used to protect against infections during the plague. Even now we find that it has many medicinal properties which help us in so many ways such as the insect repellent properties that were used during the plague to ward off lice that were carried by rats . English Royalty were very fond of Lavender during the Victorian Era. Everything and anything possible was washed in lavender or sprayed with a perfume made from lavender. After use prolonged the use of cultivation and commercial farming soon came to the f or e front . Lavender Cultivation has been in business since the 1500's and has been grown throughout the centuries for commercial uses. Most mentions of lavender in writing in our ancient past mention England. Particularly Surrey, England. Surrey is known as the most suitable location to grow Lavender. Dating from the late 1800's the Lavender oil that was made in England could be sold for at least 5 to 6 times higher than the oil that was grown and manufactured in France. The English Lavender varieties are said to produce the best and loveliest fragrance of all the available varieties grown today . The Health benefits of Lavender essential oils include its ability to eliminate nervous system tension, relieve pain, disinfect the scalp and skin, enhance blood circulation and treat respiratory problems. Other Health benefits include: Bug Repellent, helping a person sleep, helping calm the Nervous system from anxiety and nervous issues, Acne, Pain relief, Urine flow, Respira tory disorders, Hair care, Blood Circulation, Digestion, Immune system health, and General skin care. Even though there are many great benefits to lavender and lavender oils, there are some risks in lavender. P ossible side effects of lavender oil is the possibility that it causes breast growth in boys. However, this side effect usually resolves a few months after the boys stop using lavender oil. Lavender oil can also sometimes irritate the skin, or cause an allergic reaction, nausea, headache, chills or vomiting. Lavender oil may be poisonous if taken by mouth and can be toxic. Signs of lavender oil toxicity include abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, blurred vision, burning pain in the throat, difficulty breathing and skin rash. Most uses of Lavender are found in very small amounts due to the fact that it is commonly used in soaps and scents, the taste or this can be transferred into the food if too much is used. Mainly the lavender is grinded and a small amount is added to sugars that are common parts of recipes in sugary sweets and baked goods. Many types of lavender are sold, but if the lavender will be used for cooking make sure that you buy it from a store (cooking not ornamental) like hobby lobby. When I was younger we had a Lavender bush in our backyard, I believe it was planted by my grandparents when I was really young because I cannot remember a time it was not there. We never used it for any cooking or medicinal purposes, my family only used it for the scent, we could open the back door and the windows in the back of our house an we could smell the bush from inside our house.